
Nile University Logo
Image of Nile University's rooftop billboard

Dare to Dream? Nile University Turns Railway Rides into Dreamscapes with Daring Campaign

Christmas in Nigeria comes with the rhythmic hum of train wheels and the thrill of family reunions. This year, amidst the festive bustle, Nile University’s “Dare to Dream” campaign wasn’t just painting billboards – it was weaving itself into the very experience of train travel.

Partnering with Endcorps, Nile University understood the untapped potential of railway advertising. Stations like Abuja’s Idu mega hub, Lagos’ Mobolaji Johnson mega-complex and Kaduna’s Rigasa station, thrumming with anticipation, became strategic canvases for audacious dreams. Billboards showcased young, diverse faces, eyes lit with ambition, urging passengers to chase their own. But the journey, they knew, wasn’t just about arrival; it was about the in-between.

Image of Nile University's In-train LCD advertisement

In-Train LCDs: The Unsung Heroes

This is where the genius of in-train LCDs came into play. Complementary to the billboards, these screens offered a captive audience for a sustained period, stretching over the two-hour-plus train ride. Nile University seized this opportunity to craft a truly immersive experience. They understood the captive audience – travellers eager to reach their destinations yet open to momentary escapes. 

The results? Over 120,000 dreams ignited, 116,000 website visits, and a surge in inquiries – a testament to the campaign’s success. But beyond the numbers, there’s a deeper story. Railway advertising, often overlooked for storytelling, proved itself a master storyteller, crafting narratives that resonated not just with the eyes, but with the hearts and minds of travellers.

In-train LCDs, the unsung heroes of this campaign, played a crucial role. They weren’t just passive screens; they were active participants, immersing passengers in Nile University’s message. The captive environment amplified the message, ensuring every minute counted.

Dare To Dream

Nile University’s daring campaign reminds us that great marketing isn’t just about reaching people; it’s about reaching them at the right moment, in the right space. Trains offered a unique opportunity to tap into aspirations, transforming journeys into destinations of ambition. And in-train LCDs, the silent storytellers, proved their power to turn fleeting glimpses into lasting impressions.

This festive season, Nile University didn’t just sell education; they sold dreams. And they did it on the very platforms that carry dreams from one station to another.

Want to dive deeper? Read the full case study here.

Let us know in the comments – what dreams did you dare to dream while riding the rails this Christmas?